If you suspect that your account has been accessed without your authorization, we recommend that you immediately activate the Stop Switch. To activate it, text "activate stop switch" to our AI Assistant ("Shizu") at WhatsApp number: 88983047.
General Enquiry: +65 6655-0028, 6550-2209 (Mon-Fri 10AM - 6PM) Customer Service (WhatsApp message only): +65 8898-0978 (Mon-Sun 10AM - 6PM excluding public holidays)Address
Singapore :
Moolahgo Pte Ltd
Office: 6 Shenton Way, #12-08A OUE Downtown 2, Singapore 068809
Customer Experience Center: 6A Shenton Way, #01-25/26 OUE Downtown Gallery, Singapore 068815
Indonesia :
PT. Moolahgo Technology Indonesia
Satrio Tower Floor 26 Unit C and D, RT.7/RW.2, Kuningan, East Kuningan, Setiabudi, Kuningan, Jakarta 12951 (Mailing Only)